NBA Players With Marfan Syndrome

Extremely tall people are usually considered to have an NBA future, but the truth is height is not always a sign of a bright future in the NBA future. In fact, it could be a sign of Marfan syndrome, a potentially fatal disorder that has stopped young prospects from dreaming. Marfan syndrome affects the connective tissue in many critical parts of the body.

NBA prospects like Isaiah Austin and Jonathan Jeane were diagnosed with career-ending Marfan syndrome. Some pro players like Chris Patton have also died from Marfan syndrome.

Below I have listed some high NBA prospects that were stopped by Marfan syndrome from joining the league. Read on to know how the disorder affects NBA and pro basketballers. 

NBA Players With Marfan Syndrome

1. Isaiah Austin

Isaiah Austin was truly a one-in-a-million case; his family has no record of Marfan syndrome. He was one of the hottest prospects in the NBA in 2014, holding up for the 2014 NBA draft before he was diagnosed with the career-threatening Marfan syndrome. The 7ft 1 in (2.16m) Baylor University player went through a screening echocardiogram which confirmed that he had a mildly dilated aortic root which can be seen in Marfan syndrome.

Isaiah was declared ineligible to play for the NBA. However, he received a ceremonial pick at the 2014 NBA draft. Determined, Isaiah fought hard to get back into a professional basketball career. He managed to play for five years in 11 different countries before retiring in 2021 at the age of 28. He is now working towards becoming an NBA general manager in the future.

2. Jonathan Jeanne

French NBA prospect Jonathan Jeanne was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome in 2017, just before the 2017 NBA draft. The 19-year-old French man was highly rated and projected to be the first-round NBA pick. But his hopes were quenched when an initial NBA draft physical exam picked some abnormality in his spine.

Jonathan passed through other tests that confirmed the initial diagnosis. He was declared ineligible for NBA and advised not to continue. As of 2023, the 2.18m (7 ft 2 in) man continues to play professional basketball, which he has been doing since 2016. As of 2023, he currently plays for the French NM1 leagues’ Poltiers basket 86 at the age of 25. 

Pro Basketball Players Who Died From Marfan Syndrome

1. Chris Patton

Chris Patton played for the University of Maryland in the 1970s. He was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome and died in 1976 after dunking a basketball. An autopsy revealed that his aorta ruptured while he was playing, a prevalent risk for professional basketball players with Marfan Syndrome.

2. Ronalda Pierce

Florida women’s basketball player Ronalda pierce died in 2004 from a ruptured aneurysm in her aorta. Several details linked her death to Marfan syndrome, although she wasn’t diagnosed before her death.

Pierce was 6-foot-5 (196 cm) at 19 and was named Georgia’s Class AA Player of the year in 2003 after her senior season at Turner County High School.