Average Wingspan Of A Man

The wingspan is one of the traits that we look at when comparing basketball players. Someone with a longer wingspan may have an advantage over another player of the same height. So, what is the average wingspan of a man, and how can you tell if your wingspan is above average?

The average wingspan of a man is equal to his height. We use the wingspan-to-height ratio to determine whether a person has an average wingspan. A person with an average wingspan will have a wingspan-to-height ratio of 1:1, meaning his wingspan and height have the same length.

This article will discuss the wingspan-to-height ratio and how you can tell if you have an above-average wingspan. We’ll also talk about the Ape Index, another way of expressing the wingspan-to-height ratio.

The Wingspan-to-Height Ratio Explained

The wingspan-to-height ratio refers to the difference between a person’s wingspan and height. An average wingspan-to-height ratio is 1:1, which means that the height and wingspan of that person have the same length.

However, people rarely express the wingspan-to-height ratio in that manner. Instead, we use the Ape Index, which you can get by measuring your wingspan and dividing it by your height.

For example, your wingspan is 76 inches (193.04 cm), and your height is 72 inches (182.9 cm). You can get your Ape Ratio by diving 76 by 72 or 193 by 183.

76 / 72 = 1.055

193 / 183 = 1.055

1.055 is your Ape Index, meaning your wingspan-to-height ratio is higher than average.

Another way to measure your Ape Index is by getting the difference between your wingspan and height. Using the same example, we can get your Ape Index using this formula:

76 – 72 = 4 inches

192.04 – 182.9 = 9.14 centimeters

When expressing these numbers, your Ape Index is +4 inches or +9.14 cm. If you’re playing with someone of the same height and you have a +4 (+9.14) Ape Index, your reach will be 2 inches (4.57 cm) further than the other player on either hand.

How To Measure Your Wingspan and Height

To measure your wingspan, lift your arms at shoulder height. Then, have another person measure the length of your arms from the tips of your middle finger. Both arms should be at equal height to get an accurate measurement.

To measure your height, you’ll need to stand straight without your shoes. Then, have another person measure the distance between your feet and your head. Your arms should be on the side, and be sure to keep your body relaxed to get an accurate measurement.


The average wingspan of a man is equal to his height, but you don’t have to assume that it’s also the case for you. You still need to measure your wingspan and height to get your Ape Index, which is the generally accepted way of comparing the wingspan-to-height ratio with other players.

It’s an important metric to consider when playing basketball because your wingspan may give you a slight advantage over another player of the same height. Knowing the average wingspan of a man is important because it can significantly impact how you play.