Basketball vs. Lacrosse | Which Is More Popular & Difficult?

Basketball and lacrosse are two extremely popular sports amongst athletes of all ages and skill levels. But, which one ranks superior to the other? The answer is really contingent upon what you think are the most important factors. Popularity, price, and resources are just a few considerations that one has to make when deciding what sport they would like to play.

Below, we will explore the key differences between basketball and lacrosse, including relative expenses, sport difficulty, and overall sport popularity and likability factors.

Basketball vs. Lacrosse – Overview  

In this guide, we’re tackling three important questions:

  • Is basketball better than lacrosse?
  • Is basketball more expensive than lacrosse?
  • Is basketball more difficult than lacrosse?

Although determining which sport is “better” is almost entirely subjective, we’ll share some insights and statistics regarding how popular these sports are compared to one another. Further, you’ll see how the difficulty of basketball outweighs that of lacrosse, even though it’s more costly to join a lacrosse team than it is to join a basketball team.

Is Basketball Better Than Lacrosse?

Both basketball and lacrosse are sports of scoring, each including a ball and a goal/net. The two sports even share similar positions on the court/field, such as defending and offensive spots, as well as “center”. 

However, basketball is technically a non-contact sport, whereas lacrosse is a contact sport. Furthermore, men’s lacrosse is a contact sport, whereas women’s lacrosse is not. 

Because of these differences in the nature of the sports, they will draw in different kinds of players. Those interested in a technically charged game with fewer body on body injuries will prefer basketball. But those interested in a rough sport where you’re covered head to toe in gear and will likely get jostled up will prefer lacrosse. 

Is Basketball More Popular Than Lacrosse? 

Basketball is a the more popular choice for all genders and ages. According to the AAA State of Play, a 2018-2019 survey (National Federation of State High School Association) on US high school sports showed the following results:

  • Basketball was the 3rd most popular sport among high school boys 
  • Basketball was the 3rd most popular sport among high school girls
  • Lacrosse did not rank within the top 10 most popular sports among high school boys
  • Lacrosse was the 10th most popular sport among high school girls

Additionally, after taking a look at the Amateur Athletic Union’s (AAU) club finder page, there were only two lacrosse leagues associated with the organization within a 50-mile radius of New York City. Basketball, however, has over 350 leagues within the same radius. And that is just for the boys’ basketball category; there are also leagues for girls, men, and women.

Is Basketball More Expensive Than Lacrosse?

To understand the cost discrepancies between playing these sports, it’s important to look at the relative overall cost, as well as the cost of gear, sports lessons, travel expenses, etc. The following figures are estimates based on research conducted by the Aspen Institute (Project Play). 

CategoryBasketball PriceLacrosse Price
Avg. Annual Cost of Equipment$100$250
Avg. Cost of Lessons$50$50
Avg. Annual Cost of Playing$1,000$8,000
Avg. Cost of Travel$100$100
Avg. Cost of Registration Fees$80$400
Total Avg. Costs$1,330$8,800

According to these figures, lacrosse is generally a much more expensive sport to join and play when compared to basketball. Even for children, the yearly cost to play is astronomically greater than what it costs to join a basketball league for a year. 

And, of course, you have to consider the initial cost of registering for a team, which costs hundreds of dollars when it comes to organized lacrosse. 

Keep in mind that these estimates may vary depending on factors such as:

  • What region you live in
  • How much/often the sports team travels for games
  • Whether or not you buy equipment new or used
  • Whether or not you play in a community or professional league
  • Whether or not you get private lessons or free lessons 

Is Basketball More Difficult Than Lacrosse?

Finally, let’s consider sport difficulty, which can either deter youth from joining a sport, or draw them closer to it. According to ESPN’s Sport Skills rankings, lacrosse and basketball both fall in the list of the top 15 most difficult sports skill-wise.

According to that same data, basketball is far more difficult, ranking 4th overall on the list, while lacrosse ranks 14th overall on the list. 

The factors in this assessment include:

  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Agility
  • Flexibility
  • Nerve
  • Durability
  • Hand-Eye Coordination
  • Analytical Aptitude 

Furthermore, when the same ESPN study assigned degree-of-difficulty numbers (out of 100) to each individual sport, basketball was at 67.875 while lacrosse was at 60.375. 

So, while basketball ranks as much more difficult in terms of the list, the actual technical difference in difficulty isn’t that large between the two sports. 

Conclusion: Basketball Vs. Lacrosse

Have you ever wondered which sport is better, more expensive, or more difficult when comparing basketball vs lacrosse? While these sports have a lot of similarities in terms of field/court positions and how they’re played, lacrosse is much more expensive. Furthermore, basketball is more technically difficult and far more popular among youth in America. 

To know which sport is “better”, consider the various factors that make each sport worthwhile, as described above.