Can You Catch Your Own Airball?

Catching an airball is one of the most misunderstood rules in basketball. It can cause confusion and misunderstanding whether you’re watching or playing the game. So, what’s the truth about it; can you really catch your own airball, or is it against the rules?

Catching your own airball is legal in almost every professional basketball league except for the NBA. However, it must be an intentional shot attempt to be considered a legal move. Even so, the final decision on whether catching the airball is legal or a traveling violation depends on the referee.

Knowing these differences is important if you’re playing pickup basketball because they’ll significantly affect how you play. So, let’s talk about this rule in great detail to prevent you from having a lengthy discussion whenever you play basketball.

Catching Your Own Airball: Awesome or Against the Rules?

There are two contradicting rules about catching your own airball, depending on the league you’re watching or the rules you’re following for your games.

The Generally Accepted Rule About Airball

Almost every professional basketball league allows a player to be the first to touch the ball after his own airball. The only caveat to this rule is that the player should be in the act of intentionally shooting the ball that led to an airball.

This prevents the player from using an airball to gain a positional advantage and take a better shot. Determining whether the shot was an intentional attempt depends on the referee, which may, sometimes, be controversial.

If the referee decides that a player didn’t make an intentional shot attempt, catching his own airball will be called a traveling violation and void the score that the shot would’ve made otherwise.

NBA Rules About Airball

When you’re watching the NBA, the rules are simpler. A player cannot catch his own airball unless another player touches it before him. There are no decisions left for the referee and no arguments for the bad shot.

This difference in rules about catching an airball can cause a lot of confusion, especially for people who are only watching the NBA and tried to watch another professional basketball game. It’s also a common issue when players (who watch different basket leagues) are playing pickup basketball.

Which of the Airball Rules Apply to Pickup Basketball

When you’re playing pickup basketball, the rule that you need to follow about catching an airball will depend on two things:

  • Where you’re playing
  • What league do the majority of the players watch

The players should determine which rule to follow when catching an airball, even before the game starts. This prevents lengthy discussions that may even lead to misunderstandings between teammates.


Catching an airball may or may not be legal, depending on where and who you’re playing with. If most players watch professional basketball leagues other than the NBA, then a player can catch his own airball.

Knowing these varying rules about airball will make it easy for you to determine the one you want to follow and ensure that your game will be fun for everyone.