Can You Pump Fake a Free Throw?

In basketball, a pump fake is a move where a player pretends to shoot the ball to get a defender to jump or react and then either passes the ball to a teammate or takes a shot themselves. Players can use pump fakes in various situations; however, is it legal in free throws?

You cannot pump fake a free throw, as it’s an offensive foul if you pump fake while shooting and leave the floor before actually shooting the ball. However, you can use a pump fake during a free throw by pretending to begin your shooting motion and then pausing before actually shooting the ball.

In the rest of this article, you will learn more about the rules surrounding a pump fake and why it is not legal to do it with a free throw.

Free Throw Faking: Is It Legal?

According to NBA Rule 9, a player shooting a free throw cannot pivot or make any other movements that would cause their body to change position before the ball is released

This means that a player cannot pump fake a free throw in the traditional sense by pretending to shoot and then pulling the ball back. If legal, the players could use this to deceive the defenders and get them to jump or move in a specific direction, which could create an advantage for the shooter or a teammate.

If you pump fake on a free throw, the official will likely call a violation, and the opposing team will be awarded the ball.

When a player is awarded a free throw, they must attempt to score a point by shooting the ball from the free throw line. The shooter has 10 seconds to release the ball after gaining control, with the goal of getting the ball to go through the basket or touch the ring.

It is generally not a good idea to pump fake on a free throw, as it is unlikely to be successful and could result in a turnover. Instead, focusing on making a good shot and scoring points for your team is usually better.

One well-known instance of a free throw violation occurred in a 2021 game between the Lakers and Warriors when Carmelo Anthony pump-faked a free throw, causing the referee to call a violation. The ball then went to the Warriors.

You can watch the funny moment in the video below: 

Other Free Throw Rules 

The NBA has several rules that apply to free throws. Some of them include the following:

  • Players receive free throws when they have been fouled while trying to score a goal or shooting a technical foul.
  • During a free throw attempt in basketball, the player shooting the ball must remain behind the free throw line until they release the ball from their hands.
  • The player must throw the ball within 10 seconds of receiving it.
  • The ball must be shot into the basket from above the rim.
  • Other players can only touch the ball once it touches the rim or goes through the basket.
  • If the ball hits the rim and bounces out, the player can try again (if he was awarded two free throws), or another player on their team can try to rebound and score.
  • The player scores one point if the ball successfully goes through the basket.
  • If the player fails to make the free throw, the ball becomes live and can be grabbed by either team.

Final Thoughts 

Free throws are a very important aspect of basketball; they can be the difference between winning and losing. Practicing free throws is important because it helps you develop good habits and makes sure you are always ready when it is time for this part of the game.