Does the NBA Use Double Rims?

If you’re a basketball fan, you probably immerse yourself in the sport. Besides playing at home or for your local, school, or community team, you likely also watch the sport live on television. If so, you may have noticed that the NBA’s basketball goal rims look slightly different than yours. 

The NBA uses double rims because they are more durable when basketball players hang from the hoops during gameplay. Double rims also make shooting harder for the players, requiring precision and accuracy in swish shots.

The following article will explain the reasoning behind double-rims and how basketball players change their game to accommodate the extra obstacle.

Why Does the NBA Use Double Rims?

Double rims are a type of rim on basketball goals that are thicker than most single-rim goals. These double rims look like two single rims stacked on each other. 

The NBA, or National Basketball Association, uses double rims during games for a few reasons. 

First, basketball players tend to hang off the edges when they attempt a shot, so double rims make the hoop more sturdy. 

Unfortunately, double rims have a reputation for making shooting in basketball more difficult, which brings us to the second reason. The NBA purposefully uses double rims to limit the number of erratic and fluke shots in-game. They want shooting to be more difficult. 

Making the shots more difficult requires players to be more skilled and makes basketball more exciting to watch. 

Shooting on Double Rims Versus Single

Players shooting a ball into a double-rimmed hoop must approach the shot differently than if the hoop was single-rimmed. 

When the hoop is double-rimmed, basketball players must be gentler and attempt to swish the ball. (A swish, also known as the perfect shot or nothing but net, is when a basketball player shoots the ball and doesn’t hit the rim. Instead, the ball hits the rope netting, making a swishing sound.)

On the other hand, the double rim is not forgiving if they try to shoot the ball hard. 

They also can’t rely on the backboard as much when shooting on a double rim since it is more likely to bounce off. In addition, players will have a more challenging time attempting bounce shots with double rims since the ball will bounce right off the double edge.

Players must practice arcing their shots instead of relying on the backboard or bounce shots.

Shooting a ball with a double-rimmed hoop will force players to up their shooting skills, making it an acceptable test for professional basketball players. In addition, training on a double-rimmed hoop improves their aiming skills and accuracy.

But what about neighborhood basketball goals with double rims? 

If you notice one of those, the owner likely bought it not for precision but persistence. Double rims are much more durable for all weather conditions. 


The NBA uses double rims on their hoops to make games more interesting and to add an obstacle for professional basketball players. However, it takes skill to perform a perfect arc for a satisfying swish that all basketball players know and love.