How Do Basketball Players Get Taller?

In basketball, height matters, with taller players having a distinct advantage over their opponents. Have you ever wondered how basketball players seem to get taller and taller each year? An NBA player’s average height has increased steadily over the years — but how do these players add inches to their height?

Basketball players get taller through genetics, proper training and nutrition, and hormones in puberty. Exercise and proper nutrition can stimulate growth plates and build strong bones, while puberty and hormonal changes can also contribute to height gain.

In this blog post, I’ll take a closer look at the various factors that can contribute to a basketball player’s height and the role that training and nutrition play in maximizing a player’s potential. So if you’ve ever dreamed of shooting hoops at a towering height, keep reading to learn more about how basketball players get taller.

Genetic Factors for Basketball Players’ Height

Genetics plays an important role in determining a person’s physical characteristics, such as height. Tall parents are more likely to have tall children, and vice versa. This is because a complex interplay of genetic factors determines height passed down from one’s parents.

However, genetics is not the only factor at play. While it’s true that some people are naturally taller due to their genetics, there are many examples of basketball players who have overcome their genetics to become taller through other means.

The Effect of Training and Nutrition on Basketball Players’ Height

Proper training and nutrition can also increase a basketball player’s height. There are many exercise routines players can follow to increase height.

Exercise can stimulate the growth plates in the bones, which are responsible for bone growth. By engaging in exercises that target the bones and muscles in the legs, such as squats and lunges, basketball players can potentially increase their height.

In addition, proper nutrition is essential for promoting overall growth and development. Getting enough calcium, protein, and other nutrients is crucial for building strong bones and muscles, which can help a player increase their height.

It’s worth noting that the role of training and nutrition in increasing height is limited and can only do so much. Most people will reach their maximum height by the time they reach puberty; after that, any further growth will be minimal.

Other Factors That Determine Basketball Players’ Height

There are a few other factors that can affect a person’s height. 

For example, puberty and hormones play a significant role in determining a person’s final height. During puberty, the body goes through a growth spurt, and the levels of growth hormones increase, which can contribute to height gain. The intake of growth hormones has been repeatedly shown to increase height.

Injury and medical conditions can also impact a person’s height. For example, if a person sustains an injury to their growth plates, it can cause the bones to stop growing, leading to a shorter final height. Certain medical conditions, such as malnutrition or hormonal imbalances, can also impact a person’s height.


In conclusion, several factors can contribute to a basketball player’s height. Some factors can be controlled, while others are out of players’ hands. Genetics plays a significant role, but proper training and nutrition can also help to increase a player’s height. However, it’s worth noting that most people will reach their maximum height by the end of puberty.