Molten vs. Nike Basketballs

Choosing the best basketball is a very personal decision, and chances are you might like different balls for different reasons. Nike and Molten are very popular basketball brands, so chances are you have come across both in your basketball-playing experience. 

If you are in the market for a new basketball and you are trying to decide between Nike and Molten, you might want to look closely at what each brand has to offer. Decide what features are important to you and see which one offers the right features for your needs. 

In this article, we are going to be comparing Molten and Nike basketballs on popularity, cost, and quality so you can decide for yourself which one you would like to purchase. 

Are Molten basketballs more popular than Nike basketballs?

Since its founding in 1964, Nike (initially named Blue Ribbon Sports), has transcended the sports industry and become a household name both domestically and internationally. It really is no debate that from a brand-recognition perspective, Nike eclipses Molten. So in this scenario, we are only going to compare the two companies on which is the more popular basketball brand.

For starters, Molten is the official game ball for Canada Basketball, FIBA, the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation and the National Wheelchair Basketball Federation. While these leagues do not draw as much viewership as the NBA, their balls appeal more to the international and handicap markets.

From a financial perspective, Molten’s total revenue for their fiscal year in 2021 was ¥39 billion (~$295 million). Keep in mind that Molten makes more than just basketballs; they produce all kinds of sports equipment, as well as automotive parts, healthcare equipment, and construction products. This means that basketball manufacturing makes up only a piece of their income.

In the same fiscal year, Nike reported earning almost $1.7 billion from just their basketball business segment. This revenue excludes any Jordan Brand merchandise, but includes other shoes, clothing, and equipment.

Unfortunately, neither company reports overall basketball sales or production numbers, but looking at the numbers above, we can see that Nike has a bigger market share in basketball than that of Molten.

Are Molten basketballs more expensive than Nike basketballs?

On average, Molten basketballs are more expensive than those of Nike. Part of this could be due to Molten’s partnership with FIBA; the international demand for a ball used in the professional league allows for the company to charge a premium for their basketballs.

Although Nike is a significantly bigger brand when taking into account all products and sponsorships, they have no domestic or international league partnerships and have many competitors in the space. This makes it more difficulty for Nike to stand out as the best basketball in the business.

This sounds a bit contradictory, since Nike clearly has the bigger market share and is ultimately the more popular brand. But there are plenty of items that are more expensive than others, even if they are not as popular. Brand association is a really great marketing tactic that Molten is able to take advantage of. If FIBA fans know that Molten is the ball that their favorite player or team uses, they are much more likely to purchase that ball, regardless of its price.

Below, we’ve included a few basketballs from each brand along with the pricing from each company’s website (Disclaimer: prices are subject to change).

Nike BasketballPriceMolten BasketballPrice
Nike Elite Championship$70Molten BG5000$145 
Nike Elite Tournament$50Molten FX$54
Nike Elite All-Court$30Molten BG3800$50
Nike Skills$15Molten BGRX$18
Total Avg. Nike Basketball Price~$41Total Avg. Molten Basketball Price~$67

Are Molten basketballs better than Nike basketballs

It’s difficult to answer whether Molten basketballs are better than Nike basketballs because both brands make good-quality basketballs that perform very well. One of the significant things that Molten is known for is making the best hybrid basketballs on the market. 

Hybrid basketballs are balls that can be played both indoors and outdoors. While this may not be as important for someone who regularly plays on a team on an indoor court, it is a helpful consideration for anyone who plays pickup games both indoors and outdoors. 

Both Molten and Nike basketballs are well-made and are built to stand up to quite a bit of regular play, so you can comfortably purchase either option and know that it should last you quite a while. 

To help you decide whether a Molten or Nike basketball would be right for you, here is a helpful list of how they stack up when it comes to important features. 

Price X
Durability X
Material Quality X
Air RetentionX 

Should I buy a Molten basketball or a Nike basketball? 

The choice of which brand of basketball to buy is a very personal one. If you are able to check out both types of balls in person and see how they feel, this is a great way to get a feel for how it would be to play with them. 

Molten basketballs work very well for both indoor and outdoor play, which is great if you often do both.

If you are most comfortable with a popular name-brand basketball or if it’s very important that you play with an NBA/NCAA regulation size ball, you might want to consider a Nike basketball.  Nike basketballs are very consistent and many of their styles also work for indoor and outdoor play if needed. Although Nike tends to be a bit more expensive, their basketballs tend to last a bit longer and wear better over time.