NBA Players With Cancer

It’s hard to imagine some of the fittest people in the world dealing with physical ailments. And the NBA is known for producing athletes of the highest level. However, more than a few basketball players were diagnosed with cancer during their careers or after hanging up their shoes.

Some NBA players who dealt with cancer include Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Wayman Tisdale, Nene, and Alphonso Ford. Jabbar and Tisdale dealt with the disease when their careers were over, and the others contracted the illness during their basketball careers.

In this article, we’ll go through these athletes’ stories and what they dealt with in the fight against cancer.

1. Nene

Nene is a Brazilian basketball player drafted into the NBA by the Denver Nuggets in 2002. He played for nearly a decade with them and amassed a few accolades during his time, helping his team to victory on several occasions.

However, Nene was diagnosed with testicular cancer and had to be benched indefinitely until the doctors removed his tumor. And while he eventually bounced back from this difficult phase, there were moments when he thought his body might give up.

Nene dealt with issues like malfunctioning tastebuds, a burning sensation in his organs, and a sense of hopelessness for months before returning to basketball and maintaining a successful career.

2. Alphonso Ford 

Ford played for the Philadelphia 76ers in the 1994–1995 season, becoming one of the top scorers in the history of the team. After a few years in the NBA, he went on to play in the European League, where he quickly became a favorite.

In 1997 Ford was diagnosed with leukemia, a disease he would fight the rest of his life. And while the treatment was grueling, he believed he had more to give the game.

Ford continued to score more points than ever while battling leukemia. He continued to play well into the advanced stages of the disease. His final season was in 2003–2004, when he finally succumbed to the illness at the age of 32.

3. Wayman Tisdale

Wayman Tisdale played for the Phoenix Suns, Sacramento Kings, and Indiana Pacers. He had a dream career in the NBA, finally retiring in 1997. However, in 2007, Tisdale broke his leg and was diagnosed with cancer in his knee.

He brought the same drive and belief he used in basketball to his cancer treatment and managed to make a full recovery. However, in 2009 Tisdale was rushed to the hospital due to chemo damage to his respiratory system. He passed away during the treatment. 

4. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

One of the NBA’s most recognized athletes and six-time winner of the Most Valuable Player Award, Kareem’s greatest battle came after he retired when he was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.

What most people don’t know is that Kareem was also fighting prostate cancer at the same time. The treatment for both illnesses would be his toughest challenge yet. Fortunately, Kareem had ample care and the right mindset and could overcome his sickness and continue to live a happy, fulfilling life.