When Is the Best Time To Buy NBA Tickets?

Nothing beats the sensation of watching NBA games from inside the arena. The euphoria of victory and, sadly, the pain of defeat, feel amplified when celebrating or commiserating among fellow fans. Every NBA fan should experience the feeling of watching their favorite team play, regardless of the outcome. 

The perfect time to buy NBA tickets is a week before the game. At that stage, the tickets are relatively cheap, and there’s little chance of missing a ticket. Ticket prices are sometimes cheapest hours before the game, but you risk missing a ticket by waiting that long. 

This piece will provide a comprehensive guide on how to find cheap NBA tickets. 

A Guide to Finding Cheap NBA Tickets

Finding cheap NBA tickets isn’t difficult, especially if you follow the tips below. 

Tickets Are Sometimes Cheapest Hours Before the Game

To understand why tickets are sometimes cheapest hours before a game, take your mind back to high school economics, specifically the rules of demand. If there’s a high demand for the tickets, they will sell out at a high price. 

However, if there’s low demand, the tickets won’t sell. Sometimes you’ll find thousands of tickets on offer before the game due to low demand. 

Factors that affect demand include the teams playing and the day of the match. Weekend games often sell out as more people are available to watch the game – there’s a higher demand for tickets. Therefore, during weekends, it’s harder to find tickets available hours before the game. 

However, weekday games attract fewer viewers. On such days, you will likely find many tickets unsold even an hour before the match. To get rid of as many tickets as possible, platforms offer the tickets at huge discounts. 

This is a high-risk, high-reward strategy – there’s a high chance of missing a pass if you misjudge the demand for a game’s tickets. Therefore, to be safe, buy tickets a week before the game – you get fairly priced tickets and increase the odds of snagging good seats. 

Compare Third Party Sites To Get the Best Prices

Third-party sites like SeatGeek and StubHub offer cheap tickets. The sites provide passes at different rates, and some have special discounts you can take advantage of. 

Therefore, before purchasing an NBA ticket, visit multiple third-party sites to see which platform has the lowest prices. 

Buy a Season Ticket and Sell It During Certain Matches

This tip might seem odd, but there is some method to the madness. Season tickets are generally expensive, but they offer the holder access to the stadium throughout the season. Furthermore, they shield the owner from ticket price increases during high-demand games. 

You can profit from buying a season ticket or mitigate the cost of purchasing the ticket by selling tickets to games you can’t attend or aren’t interested in watching. This strategy is risky – there’s no guarantee people will buy – but it might earn you a profit if you hold a popular team’s season ticket. 


To avoid missing out on a game, buy an NBA ticket a week or so before the match. If you believe there’s little demand for the tickets, you can wait until hours before the game to get the lowest price. 

Before purchasing a ticket, scour multiple third-party sites to find the one with the lowest prices.