Why Do Basketball Players Wipe Their Shoes?

Have you ever wondered why basketball players have a habit of wiping the bottom of their shoes during a game? Is it a bad habit that doesn’t even help the players in the actual game, or does wiping their shoes help them play better?

Basketball players wipe their shoes to make them more sticky and give them better traction. When playing basketball, players need to be as agile as possible. Having sticky shoes will help them turn, pivot, or jump better. It will also help them avoid injuries while playing.

Wiping the shoes may seem like a habit that doesn’t affect a game, but doing it can significantly affect a player’s performance. We’ll talk about them in this article, along with a few other tips to help you make your shoes more sticky.

Is Wiping Shoes a Bad Habit in Basketball?

Wiping the shoes helps basketball players make their shoes more sticky. It removes dirt, sweat, or anything that can affect its grip. However, wiping the shoes only has a temporary effect, so the players must frequently wipe them during a game to ensure they have the best traction possible.

Basketball heavily relies on footwork, and playing can be dangerous if the surface or a player’s shoes are slippery. Sticky shoes will help the players turn, run, pivot, and jump with better accuracy, allowing them to play better. It’s the same reason people are assigned under the ring to wipe the floor whenever someone falls.

How To Make Basketball Shoes More Sticky

Giving your shoes a little bit more grip will help you play better; even professionals need to do it. Here are some tips that you can do to keep your basketball shoes sticky before and after each game:

  • Remove dirt and debris from the soles. The grooves under your shoes create the traction you need on the court. If dirt or debris is stuck between them, your shoes won’t have as much grip when you’re playing.
  • Remove oil from the soles. Wearing basketball shoes with oily soles will not only make it hard for you to move around, but it can also be dangerous for you. So if you accidentally step on oily surfaces, make sure you blot it with a paper towel to remove it from the shoes. You can also use powder to remove the excess oil from the soles.
  • Use liquid detergent to clean the grooves of your sole. Mix the detergent with water and use a toothbrush to clean it after every game. This ensures you’ll have a better grip on the court every time you play.


Basketball players wipe their shoes to give them a better grip, but they need to do it often throughout the game, making it look like a bad habit. Habit or not, they need to do it to move around better, especially in a game that heavily relies on footwork and agility.

You may also need to do it, especially if you’re playing on a court with shiny surfaces. Doing it may even help you avoid injuries while playing.